A place where I share my creativity and thoughts for inspiration!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have been really busy with getting the kids settled into school and a routine. And now that I have all this time on my hands I have been un-cluttering the house and getting rid of things. I have done a few albums which I will post pictures of later. I still have a good size pile of projects that I need to finish but I seem to start things and not finish them. So my goal is to get the house in order and then get started on finishing the unfinished projects. Hopefully I get those caught up so that I can start doing some layouts and getting picture printed etc.But who is really caught up with scrapbooking? Who can really catch up? Well that is a short little up date I am trying to keep up blog and keep everyone informed of what I have been doing lately. Now that I have extra time I think that can be done. Hope everyone has a blessed day!